Bucky on Parade
In the winter/spring of 2018 I participated in a citywide project titled Bucky on Parade. Artists were commissioned to each paint a 6‘6“ tall fiberglass statue of the UW Madison mascot, Bucky Badger, and businesses and other sponsors chose from the artists' proposals, with the proceeds going to different nonprofits. The statues were then placed all over town for the duration of the summer, and then in the fall were sent to their final locations. My statue is on display outside Science Hall (500 N Park St.) through September, when it will go to its final home, the UW Hospital. The project took much longer than I anticipated, and I spent a lot of time studying anatomy, and creating different studies as to how to present the most accurate, skillful, and beautiful rendition of what the inside of the mascot might look like. I spent a total of 350 hours on the project, and my stellar student/assistant, Sarah Gerg (@sarahsketchz), spent an additional 100 hours on it. Below is the finished product, along with some progress shots.